Monday, August 25, 2008

NICU Pictures!

Last weekend was the first time you were allowed to wear something aside from diapers. The nurse said that the reason was you reached the 1500-gram milestone. No idea why 1500 grams was so special. Maybe the preemie clothes in the NICU actually fits you now. :)

Mommy and Big Sister Addie beside your spacecraft. Addie was saying "Baby. Baby." And blowing kisses towards you.

Daddy and Addie on the other side. We may need to buy a new set of 64 crayons for the NICU. Addie broke in half most of the crayons in the NICU.

Pastor Sam holding Addie. They were giving you caffeine to help with your apnea. So young and they're letting you have coffee! I hope they don't give you alcohol before you leave the NICU. :)

Yep. You were so small. Two pounds and fourteen ounces small. And you lost 6 more ounces the following couple of days! This is the first day that Mommy is strong enough to visit you at the NICU.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Iman's Weight Chart

3 pounds and 13 ounces today!